@article{oai:ncn.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000099, author = {多賀谷, 昭 and 野口, 眞弓}, journal = {長野県看護大学紀要, Bulletin,Nagano College of Nursing}, month = {Mar}, note = {110004687747, 昭和初期の長野県下伊那郡大鹿村上蔵地区における生活を,ソーシャルサポートと育児に焦点を当 てて明らかにし,現代の育児をする母親とそのソーシャルサポートについて考察した.延べ51.5 時 間の非構成的 インタビューで得られた記録を分析し,地理学的観察と文献資料によって検討した結果,上蔵では畑作,養蚕, 炭焼き,水田耕作等,幅広い生業活動が営まれる中で,対等で相互的な近隣関係によって人々の生活が支えられ ていたこと,そのような生活様式は孤立性の高い山村における生態学的適応として捉えられること,また,育児 は母親だけにその責任が帰されることなく,他の家族員や親族,近隣の共同によって成立していたことが明らか になった.社会関係に見られるこれらの特徴は,階層的な同族関係とは異なる対等な相互扶助関係に基づくコ ミュニティの構築や,育児をする母親の支援を考えるための示唆を与えるものである., Social support for child rearing mothers was considered on the basis of the findings about various aspects of daily life and childbirth and child rearing in Ohshika Village, Ina Valley, Nagano Prefecture, before the Second World War. The data were collected through 51.5 hours of interviews with 8 informants and geographic inspection at subsistence activity sites. These data were analyzed together with historical records. The results indicate that 1)the primary social structure there was the neighborhood relationship based on equality and reciprocity embodied by the“jikko” (ten-household group)and the“kumiai”(five-household group) ; 2)the diversity of the subsistence economy of the village(coexistence of slope cultivation, sericulture, charcoal making, rice cultivation, fodder gathering, etc.)testifies to the long history of ecological adaptation to the mountainous environment; 3)the“kabu”system that limited the number of households can be regarded as a social manifestation of such adaptation; 4)the duty of child rearing was shared by all household members and supported by the neighborhood, in contrast to the situation of modern Japanese mothers who suffer from too much responsibility and insufficient social support; and 5)that every individual and household in the community maintained the capacity to perform various activities could be a major factor enabling the equality and reciprocity of its social support system. Implications of these findings for social support for child rearing mothers are discussed.}, pages = {19--29}, title = {昭和初期の長野県南部山村における生活と育児 : 伝統的ソーシャルサポートシステムとその現代的意義}, volume = {4}, year = {2002} }