@article{oai:ncn.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000098, author = {西垣内, 磨留美}, journal = {長野県看護大学紀要, Bulletin,Nagano College of Nursing}, month = {Mar}, note = {110004687746, フロリダ大学図書館所蔵の書簡を検討した結果,Zora Neale Hurstonの人生の分岐点をめぐる側面, そしてそこから導かれた晩年の姿が明らかになった.Hurstonは,1935年,奨学金を得て学位を取得し大学で教 鞭をとるという道につながる選択を捨てる決断をするが,これはその後を左右する重要な決断であった.この決 断をHurstonにさせたのは,フォークロアやフードゥに関する資料を収集し,アフリカ系アメリカ人の文化をコンサート,演劇,小説の形で世に示し保存するという彼女が持っていた志向である.この活動に対する熱意は学 位取得を断念させるに足るものであり,この決断が彼女を代表作につながる執筆活動への道へ向かわせることに なったと考えられる.また晩年においては,貧困や病気のため充分な作家活動ができない状態にあって,Hurston はなお創作意欲を持ち続け,物書きとしての人生を貫いていたのである., This paper attempts to illuminate her inclination or the motive of her action through the introduction and examination of the unpublished letters of Zora Neale Hurston that are kept at University of Florida Library.  The Rosenwald Foundation offered Hurston a fellowship to get the doctor’s degree in 1934. The degree was expected to lead her to academic life as an anthropologist or a folklorist. She, however, decided to give up this attempt in the next year. This action can be said to decide the latter(and bitter) half of her life. What motivated her was her inclination to collect and preserve the materials about Hoodoo or folklore and make public African-American culture in concerts, dramas or novels. The letters show how devoted she was to the theater. This explains that she was oriented toward fieldworks and creative activities rather than academic activities. After that decision, she was most active in her life and wrote her greatest novel, Their Eyes Were Watching God, in 1936.  We can also see her later years through her letters. The old artist was in her declining years because of poverty and disease. She had to manage to make a living by writing articles since the publishers rejected her novels or short stories. But when we read her letter in 1952 and see her gathering materials in everyday life with her pets and planning to work them up into a story, we understand that Hurston never lost a strong will to write stories.}, pages = {11--18}, title = {人生の岐路 : Hurston書簡の語るもの}, volume = {4}, year = {2002} }