@article{oai:ncn.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000095, author = {平出, 礼子 and 内田, 雅代 and 竹内, 幸江 and 扇, 千晶 and 青木, 真輝 and 寺島, 憲治 and 石井, 絹子 and 林部, 麻美}, journal = {長野県看護大学紀要, Bulletin,Nagano College of Nursing}, month = {Mar}, note = {化学療法をうける子どもの内服場面において,看護師がどのように子どもを認識しているかを明ら かにすることを目的に,小児専門病院に入院している子ども4名の内服場面の観察と,看護師13名に対して質問 紙調査,半構成的面接調査を行った.  その結果,看護師は,子どもがスムーズに内服していれば薬を飲む場面には同席していないことが多く,薬を 手渡す時に子どもに薬を大切なものだと意識させるようにかかわっていた.また,内服を嫌がる場面では,子どもがストレスを表出し精神的なバランスをとっているととらえていた.幼児期の子どもが説明をどのように受け止めたか理解できなかったことを語った看護師は,子どもの様子に敏感でなかったと自分自身を振り返っていた. また,子どもが内服を嫌がる時に看護師は,自分自身が拒否されたように感じて子どもの気持ちを理解していなかったと述べていた.母親に対して看護師は,子どもがスムーズに内服できていれば,母親のストレスは少ないととらえ,子どもの内服へのかかわりを任せて安心とする一方,全部飲めているかの心配をしており,看護師が母親と十分にかかわれていないととらえていた.  これらの結果から,化学療法をうける子どもの内服場面では,子どもや母親が内服をどのように受け止めてい るかを理解するために,子どもや母親の反応を敏感に受け止め,個々の子どもに応じて,看護師と母親が協働するということが重要であると考えられる., This study intends to explore nurse’ perception of oral medication of children undergoing chemotherapy. We observed two scenes of oral medication for each of 4 children kept in a children’s hospital accompanied by their mothers. Six scenes were of children who took oral medication easily and the remaining two were of a child who was unwilling to take oral medication. The 11 nurses involved in the medication scenes observed were asked to answer open-ended questions about their perception of the medication scenes and 8 of them responded by filling out a questionnaire. We also had semi-structured interviews with 5 nurses working in the same ward about their experiences with oral medication of children. In most scenes of the medication without a trouble, nurses ofen left the room while the mothers gave medication to their children. Those nurses reported that they paid attention to the children and mothers and attempted to help children perceive that the oral medication was important to them. For the medication scenes of a child who was unwilling to take oral medication, the nurses considered that the child’s reaction was a representation of his stress and helped him keep his mental balance. In semi-structured interviews a nurse reported that it was very difficult for nurses to know how preschool children perceived their oral medication when nurses explained its necessity to them, and therefore it was necessary for nurses to carefully observe the children’s reactions. Several nurses reported that they felt as if they ware rejected as persons and found themselves too emotional to understood the children when they rejected the oral medication. These results indicate that nurses should understand the feelings and thoughts of the children and mothers through careful observation of children’s response as well as active communication with the mothers, even if there is no trouble, in order to establish the channel and trust enabling the collaboration for children’s oral medication whenever it becomes necessary.}, pages = {63--73}, title = {化学療法をうける子どもの内服に関する看護師の認識}, volume = {5}, year = {2003} }