@article{oai:ncn.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000094, author = {扇, 千晶 and 内田, 雅代 and 竹内, 幸江 and 平出, 礼子 and 青木, 真輝}, journal = {長野県看護大学紀要, Bulletin,Nagano College of Nursing}, month = {Mar}, note = {本研究では,慢性疾患の子どもをもつ親が,属している親の会や医療従事者および学校関係者に対し て,どのような問題を感じ,またどのような期待や要望を抱いているかを知ることを目的とし,小児糖尿病とア トピー性皮膚炎の子どもをもつ親の会の会員を対象に調査を行い,親が求める支援の特徴とその背景を考察した.  その結果,これらの疾患の子どもをもつ親は,情報交換や知識を得ることを目的に親の会へ入会し,親の会を 実践的な知識を得る場や精神的な支えととらえていた.小児糖尿病の子どもをもつ親は,会の活動の活性化を求め,また,高校生以上の親子に対する活動を求めていた.アトピー性皮膚炎の子どもをもつ親は,会への要望と して,周囲の理解を得るための働きかけ,入会していない母親へのサポートなど会の外へ向けた活動を望んでいた.これらの親達は,保育園・学校に対しては疾患に対する理解と集団生活がスムーズに送れるための対応を求め,医療従事者に対しては疾患・治療への対応と精神的な援助を求めていた.また,医療従事者から保育園・学校への知識の普及を求めており,子どもと家族を中心とした専門職の連携・協働の必要性が示唆された., The purpose of this research is to know what parents of children with chronic disease need for the support of their children . We examined their needs through questionnaires which had been distributed to members of support groups of parents whose children contract diabetic mellitus (DM) or atopic dermatitis (AD) in N prefecture.  We have found, through the research, that parents have become members of those groups in order to get more information about the disease and to exchange their practical knowledge among the members. We have also found that the support groups give good mental support for those who worry about their sick children.  On one hand, parents of children with DM feel that the group should be more active and should widen their activities for senior members who hesitate to participate in group activities; on the other hand, parents of children with AD think their group should share information of this disease with many other people to get better understanding and consideration toward their sick children.  These parents have requested nursery schools and elementary schools to give careful consideration for children with such disease so that those children live comfortable school lives. They have also requested health professionals to spread appropriate knowledge and information of the diseases to schools.  It is clear that health professionals should collaborate with educational professionals for children with chronic disease and their family.}, pages = {53--62}, title = {慢性疾患の子どもをもつ親の会に対する親の認識および専門職へのニーズの検討 : 小児糖尿病とアトピー性皮膚炎の子どもをもつ親の会への調査を通して}, volume = {5}, year = {2003} }