@article{oai:ncn.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000091, author = {嶋澤, 順子 and 安田, 貴恵子 and 御子柴, 裕子 and 坂本, ちより and 頭川, 典子}, journal = {長野県看護大学紀要, Bulletin,Nagano College of Nursing}, month = {Mar}, note = {実習カンファレンスにおける教員のはたらきかけの内容と学生の学びを調べることにより,その教 育的意義を明らかにし教員の指導方法を検討することを目的とする.  調査項目は教員がはたらきかける際に着目したこと,意図的に伝えようとした内容,用いた方法及び学生の学 びである.調査対象は市町村・保健所での実習終了後カンファレンス1回分であり,カンファレンスでの教員と 学生のやりとりを分析対象とした.  その結果,カンファレンスの教育的意義とは,学生個々の理解状況を見極めることにより行政に所属する保健 師活動固有の側面から看護援助とは何か学生が捉えることを促すことであった.  以上から,カンファレンスにおける教員の指導方法は,カンファレンスの目的に沿った内容を意図的に伝える, 着目点や手段を適切に判断し理解状況に応じたはたらきかけを行う,実習体験に看護の意味を加えるはたらきか けを行う,であると考えた., The purpose of this research was to clarify the educational goals and methods of providing support to students in the post-community health nursing program by analyzing the contents of the faculty’s guidance and assessing students’knowledge of material taught during the program.  Information regarding the Faculty’s position on student support along with the methods in which this was offered was collected from the process of post-community health nursing practicum. Students’ knowledge was collected from student’s reports that were written soon after the post-nursing practicum.  The findings of the study indicated that the educational aim of the program were to teach the public health aspect of nursing by testing student’s understanding of the subject.  The result demonstrated that the intentions of the Faculty’s teaching program were successfully upheld, and that the program fulfilled its purpose in community health nursing. However, there remains a need to : a) Approach students according to their individual levels of understanding when providing academic support, b) To teach students about the meaning of nursing during the community health nursing practicum.}, pages = {19--29}, title = {地域看護実習における市町村・保健所での実習終了後カンファレンスの指導方法}, volume = {5}, year = {2003} }