@article{oai:ncn.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000090, author = {江藤, 裕之}, journal = {長野県看護大学紀要, Bulletin,Nagano College of Nursing}, month = {Mar}, note = {教養・人格形成の場としての大学教育を見直すことを目的とし,大学教養課程における一般教育の理 念と実践とを考察する.まず,西洋における Liberal Arts 教育の歴史と意味,及びその精神を現代に活かした Mortimer J. Adler の Great Books Seminar を概観する.そして,実践編として,今日のわが国の大学における Liberal Arts 教育実践のために,「言語・思考・人間」というテーマでの Dialogue 型授業モデルプログラムを示 し,1)基本テーマの設定,2)プログラム構成とテキスト選定,3)各セッションの議論テーマ,4) 到達すべき Ideas について考察を加えながら,Great Books Seminar の可能性と有効性を考える.ひとつのテーマについて複数 のテキストを読み議論することで,より普遍的な問題へと到達し,目には見えないものの価値を認め,生涯にわ たる学習を動機づける学習の方法論を考えてみたい., The present paper tries to consider theory and practice of the liberal arts curricula in Japanese colleges with a view to re-evaluating college education as a place of“Bildung” .  After an overview of history and meaning of liberal arts education of the Western world, we make a brief examination of the“Great Books Seminar”established and fostered by Mortimer J. Adler, which embodies the spirits of the traditional liberal arts education in the modern society.  From the perspective of Adler’s “Great Books Seminar”, we try to construct a model-program of a dialogue-style seminar in order to apply the liberal arts methods into the college curricula in Japan. We present 1) the general theme “: language, thought, humanity”, 2) the program and texts, 3) themes of each session, and 4) goal ideas.  As a result, we are supposed to come to the following conclusion : Through a discussion of texts on a very limited theme, we are able to aim at a more universal and general problem to be solved, recognize the value of what cannot be seen, and, consequently, seek for effective motivation and learning-to-learn methodology for continuing education in order to build a“ learning society” .}, pages = {9--17}, title = {大学教養課程カリキュラムにおけるGreat Books Seminar導入の試み : Liberal Arts教育実践のためのDialogue型授業のモデルプログラム}, volume = {5}, year = {2003} }