@article{oai:ncn.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000089, author = {縄, 秀志 and 花村, 由紀 and 野坂, 俊弥 and 池内, 美希代}, journal = {長野県看護大学紀要, Bulletin,Nagano College of Nursing}, month = {Mar}, note = {本研究の目的は,a.「まっすぐ起きる」b.「右手で柵を使って起きる」c.「右手で紐を使って起き る」の離床動作で使用される筋群を明らかにすることである. 4名の健康な男子学生(19~22歳)を対象とし, 動作画像の撮影および筋電図測定を行った.各離床動作につき60データ,計180データから離床動作パターン と使用筋群の負荷が分散する動作パターンが明らかになった. その結果,aはb,cに比べ,腹斜筋,腹直筋の使用が大きかった.その理由として,b,cにおいては,柵 や紐を使いながら上体を起こすために,上腕二頭筋,上腕三頭筋,僧帽筋,大胸筋が使用され,腹斜筋,腹直筋 の負担が分散されていることが明らかになった.さらに,b,cでは,体を左側に向け,上体を起こすと同時に 左足をベッドの外に出し,端座位になる動作によって,大腿四頭筋を使用するために,腹斜筋,腹直筋の負担が 分散されることが明らかとなった., One of the major nursing responsibilities when giving postoperative care to abdominal surgical patients is to support the patient in rising from a supine position.  The purpose of this study is to assess EMG pattern and VTR of three different modes of elevation from a supine to sitting position respectively.  The three types of movement are   Ⅰ.frontal elevation from a supine to sitting position   Ⅱ.lateral elevation to a sitting position using the side rail for support   Ⅲ.lateral elevation to a sitting position using a rope secured on the below rail  Each subject attempted all 3 movements repeated 5 times for a total of 4 × 15 = 60 movements at one session. These were repeated twice more at 2 additional sessions, for a total of 180 movements.  On each movement, EMG and VTR measurements were recorded.  The following results were obtained, 1) Movement Ⅰ , direct frontal elevation from a supine position, requiring the use of abdominal muscles was the most difficult as indicated by changes in EMG. 2) Movement Ⅱ and Ⅲ required the use of brachial, trapezius and pectoral muscles putting less strain on abdominal muscles. Therefore these movements were preferred over movement. 3)Movement Ⅱ and Ⅲ also required the use of the quadriceps femoris muscles to place the foot over the side of the bed while rising from the lying position placing less strain on abdominal muscle.}, pages = {1--8}, title = {3つの離床動作における使用筋群の検討 : 「まっすぐ起きる」「右手で柵を使って起きる」「右手で紐を使って起きる」の比較}, volume = {5}, year = {2003} }