@article{oai:ncn.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000086, author = {槇平, 一隆 and 丸山, 昭子 and 井上, 善久 and 有賀, 美恵子 and 鈴木, 英子}, journal = {長野県看護大学紀要, Bulletin:Nagano college of Nursing}, month = {Mar}, note = {本研究の目的は,精神科看護における暴力予防の一助とするために,暴力に関連した先行研究の動向を文献検討により明らかにすることである.文献検討は,医学中央雑誌(1983 ~ 2011)に発表された精神科における暴力に関する論文を対象に行った.  先行研究の動向では,暴力に関する研究は2001年と2006年に急増し,その水準が保たれている.暴力を受けた看護師に対する支援体制が無い場合や、あっても不十分な場合が多いことが明らかになった.  さらに,インシデント・アクシデントレポート(I/A)に基づく暴力発生頻度は,質問紙調査による値より少ないことから,多くの報告漏れがあるものと推測されるので,実態を把握できるような改善が必要である.また, 看護師が安心して働ける職場にするには,暴力に関する介入方法の系統的な研究とともに,情報を共有し活用できるシステムと暴力をうけた看護師を支援する体制の確立が望まれる., The objective of this study is to elucidate the research trend concerning violence toward nurses by psychiatric inpatients. This is integral to implementing an intervention to prevent such violence, and entails reviewing earlier studies. We reviewed literature published during 1983 to 2011 searched in the Ichushi Web database, concerning violence perpetrated at psychiatric wards.  The results showed that the number of studies on violence at psychiatric wards rapidly increased in 2001 and 2006, and since then the some level standard has been maintained. There was no appropriate institutional framework to provide support for nurses who had been attacked, and they were not satisfied with the support provided. The frequency of violence in one incident /accident report in the literature was different from that reported by ten other studies based on questionnaires to nurses. Because it is likely that many cases have been unreported, finding an improved means to effectively report and ascertain the entire situation is a prime requisite. Therefore, we need further studies for developing of nursing intervention to reduce violence, as well as establishment of an information sharing system and a reliable system to support nurses who victims of violence. Ultimately, this review will help provide a working environment where nurses at psychiatric wards can fulfill their duties safely and comfortably.}, pages = {87--97}, title = {精神科病棟入院患者の看護師に対する暴力に関する国内の文献検討}, volume = {14}, year = {2012} }