@article{oai:ncn.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000085, author = {白鳥, さつき and 早出, 春美 and 中畑, 千夏子 and 渡辺, みどり and 那須, 淳子 and 山崎, 章恵 and 葛城, 彰幸}, journal = {長野県看護大学紀要, Bulletin:Nagano college of Nursing}, month = {Mar}, note = {本研究は,長野県の医療施設に勤務する看護職者の就業環境改善のために,労働安全衛生に関する知識と予防行動について明らかにすることを目的とした.同意の得られた看護管理者(以下管理者)397名,臨床経験3年以上の看護師731名を対象として,「感染の危険を伴う病原体への曝露」「抗がん剤への曝露」「ラテックスアレルギー」「患者・同僚及び第三者による暴力」について知識と予防行動について回答を求めた.回収率 は1265名(49.7%),有効回答率1128名(89.2%)であった.結果,知識,予防行動とも平均値や実施率が高かっ たのは「感染の危険を伴う病原体への曝露」で「患者や同僚・第三者から受ける暴力」「抗がん剤への暴露」「ラ テックスアレルギー」などは知識,予防行動とも低かった.暴力は患者から受ける身体的暴力の被害の記述が最も多く,次いで医師・上司によるパワーハラスメントの順であった.これらの結果から,継続的に看護職者や組 織に対して労働安全衛生に関する啓発を行う重要性が示唆された., The purpose of this study was to obtain the data in order to improve working environment by investigating the knowledge and behavior for occupational safety and health of nurses who work at hospitals in Nagano Prefecture. Their knowledge and behaviors for this issue were surveyed by a self-rating questionnaire mailed to 397 nurse administrators and 731 nurses of 46 hospitals. They were asked to rate their knowledge about exposure to “infectious pathogen”, “antineoplastic drugs”,“ latex allergy” and“ the violence by a patient, a coworker, and a third party” using five-point scales and answer questions about behavior. A total of 1,265(49.7%)of them responded and 1,128(89.2%)respondents provided valid data. The results showed that“ exposure to infectious pathogen” was high both average rate of knowledge and executing rate of preventive behavior, and “the violence received from a patient, a coworker and a third party”, “exposure to antineoplastic drugs”, “latex allergy” were low. The most common violence which a nurse receives was the physical violence received from a patient and then the power harassment received from a physician and a superior. These results suggested that it is important to perform the education about occupational safety and health continuously for a nurse and an organization.}, pages = {73--85}, title = {長野県の医療施設に勤務する看護職者の労働安全衛生に関する知識と予防活動}, volume = {14}, year = {2012} }