@article{oai:ncn.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000078, author = {松本, じゅん子 and 野坂, 俊弥 and 北山, 秋雄 and 多賀谷, 昭}, journal = {長野県看護大学紀要, Bulletin:Nagano college of Nursing}, month = {Mar}, note = {40018888949, 本研究では,長野県南信地域に位置する駒ヶ根市の音風景を提示することとした.駒ヶ根市内に1年以上居住経験のある大学生73名を対象とし,駒ヶ根市内で聞こえた音の中で心地よく感じたものやその音が聞こえた場面などをインタビューによって調べた.その結果,駒ヶ根市の音の風景には,市内を流れる一つの川に架かるこまくさ橋という吊り橋で聞こえる川の流れる音や,調査対象者が通う駒ヶ根市内の大学構内で聞こえる風の音.鳥の声,鐘の音,さらに,大学周辺地域の多くの水路で聞こえる水の流れる音が挙げられた.これらの結果より,大学生が心地よく感じる駒ヶ根市の音風景には,水の流れる音または他の自然の音が聞こえる吊り橋, 大学構内,大学周辺地域といった3箇所が少なくとも提示できると考えられる., We attempted to find out the soundscapes representing Komagane, a countryside town located in southern area of Nagano Prefecture in Japan, for young inhabitants. We interviewed 73 college students living in Komagane, for more than one year. They were asked to indicate what sounds they had felt comfortable and where in Komagane they heard each of such sounds. The soundscapes felt comfortable by participants included the sounds of 1) the water running under the suspension bridge over a river bordering the town; 2) wind, 3) birdsong, and 4) the carillon in participants' college campus; and 5) streams near the campus. These results suggest that the soundscapes felt comfortable by the students are mostly of natural sounds such as those of rivers, streams, the wind, and birdsongs, and the places for the soundscapes are three spots: 1) the suspension bridge, 2) the college campus, and 3) its adjacent area.}, pages = {87--94}, title = {駒ケ根市における音風景の検討の試み-大学生へのインタビュー調査から}, volume = {13}, year = {2011} }