@article{oai:ncn.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000073, author = {曽根, 千賀子 and 渡辺, みどり and 千葉, 真弓 and 細田, 江美 and 松澤, 有夏 and 柄澤, 邦江 and 多賀谷, 昭}, journal = {長野県看護大学紀要, Bulletin:Nagano college of Nursing}, month = {Mar}, note = {40018888945, 特養での認知症高齢者の終末期における事前意思を支えるケア内容と方法の実施割合を長野県内特養と県外特養において比較し,長野県内特養の特徴を明らかにすることを目的とした. 2008年8月~9月,国内 5,249特養を対象として質問紙調査を実施し, 1,137(21.5%)施設からの回答を分析した結果,以下のことが明らかになった.長野県内特養は,認知症高齢者の事前意思聴取時期として「入所時」に行っている割合が有意に高く,また事前聴取を行う職種として「看護職員」が行っている割合も有意に高かった.これに加え,長野県内特養は,認知症高齢者の事前意思を支えるケアア内容と方法,(a)高齢者がしっかりとしているうちに意思確認を行う,(b)死期が近くなった場合の看取り方に関する選択肢を提供する,(c)家族にとって何が最善かという視点を家族に助言する,以上3項目の実施率が有意に高かった.これらより,長野県内特養での特徴として,生活のみならず医療の専門的な知識を持ち備えている看護職員が,看取り方の選択肢の提供を行うことで,死期が近くなった場合の判断を可能とし,それに基づいた情報提供を可能とする特徴があると考えられた., The objective of this study is to clarify the characteristics of an end-of-life (EOL) care program carried out at nursing homes in Nagano prefecture, which supports advance directives for dying elderly residents with dementia, by comparing the frequencies of introducing the EOL program between facilities in Nagano and those of other prefectures. The survey was conducted through Questionnaires sent to 5,249 nursing homes in Japan from August to September of 2008, and 1,137 (21.5%) responses were obtained. Analysis of the responses from Nagano prefectural facilities showed that both the rates of arranging advance directive care for elderly residents with dementia, upon initial admittance to the home, and those of the nursing staff's conducting advance directive care were significantly higher than in other prefectures. Regarding the details and methods of advance directive care for the residents with dementia, facilities in Nagano prefecture reported carrying out three items at significantly higher rates: (a) finds out elderly residents' will while they can communicate with others; (b) provides options concerning their preferences at their deathbed; and (c) gives their family advice in terms of the best choice as a family. Regarding the characteristics at nursing homes in Nagano prefecture, because the EOL program is provided by nursing staff who have exclusive knowledge of medical care as well as details of the residents' daily lives, such knowledge enables providing options concerning residents' preferences prior to death, particularly when the nursing staff deem the resident to be near his/her end.}, pages = {39--50}, title = {介護老人福祉施設での認知症高齢者の終末期における事前意思を支えるケア内容と方法-長野県内介護老人福祉施設の特徴}, volume = {13}, year = {2011} }