@article{oai:ncn.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000068, author = {松本, じゅん子 and 野坂, 俊弥 and 北山, 秋雄 and 多賀谷, 昭}, journal = {長野県看護大学紀要, Bulletin:Nagano college of Nursing}, month = {Mar}, note = {40017236977, 長野県駒ヶ根市の音環境がそこで暮らす人々にとってどのようなものであるかを検討するため,自由記述式の質問紙調査を行った.駒ヶ根市内の大学に通う大学生を対象に,駒ヶ根市内でよく聞こえる音とあまり聞くことができない音をそれぞれ列挙し,さらに,駒ヶ根市の音環境についての意見を記述するよう求めた.そ の結果,駒ヶ根市内でよく聞こえるとされた音は,風の音,鳥の声,川の音,市内放送の音,カエルの声であり, 自然の音や地域に密着した音が多く挙げられていた.一方,あまり聞くことができないとされた音は,車の音, 人の声,電車の音,商業施設の音,物売りの声であり,人の生活に関わる音が多く挙げられていた.駒ヶ根市の音環境については,静かで自然の音が多いという回答が多く,肯定的な意見が全体の3/4を占めた.同様の調査を行った京都市では,その音環境に肯定的な意見が全体の約1/3であったのと比べて,駒ヶ根市では肯定的な意見が多かった.これらの結果より,駒ヶ根市は暮らしやすい音環境を有していると考えられる., We investigated the college students' perception of their sound environment in Komagane, Nagano Prefecture, using an unstructured questionnaire. Students of a four-year college in Komagane were asked to list up both the sounds frequently heard and the sounds infrequently heard in Komagane. They were also asked to give their views about the sound environment in Komagane. The sounds they answered that they frequently heard were those of wind, birdsong, stream, the voice and music by municipal public address system, and frog chorus. Most of them were the sounds heard in the natural environment or in the community. The sounds they answered that they infrequently heard were those of cars, human voice, trains, stores, and strolling vendors' voice. Most of them were the sounds generated in living activities. As to views about the sound environment in Komagane, participants answered that they found it very quiet and abundant in natural sounds. About three quarters of them expressed positive or rather positive views. This demonstrates a contrast with the results of the study on the sound environment in Kyoto, where only one third of the participants expressed positive views. These results suggest that the sound environment in Komagane is comfortable to the inhabitants.}, pages = {33--42}, title = {駒ヶ根市の音環境に関する検討-大学生を対象として}, volume = {12}, year = {2010} }