@article{oai:ncn.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000057, author = {安田, 貴恵子 and 御子柴, 裕子 and 小林, 理恵子 and 酒井, 久美子 and 嶋澤, 順子 and 和光, 由起 and 手島, 聖子}, journal = {長野県看護大学紀要, Bulletin, Nagano College of Nursing}, month = {Mar}, note = {40016067154, 山間地域にある診療所の外来での看護師の対応について受診者と看護師に調査を行い,看護師の役割 を検討した. へき地診療所に指定された長野県内の一診療所の外来受診者と看護師を対象に,質問紙とインタビューによる 調査を行った.質問紙では,属性ならびに看護師の対応について調べ,看護師の対応については,受診者への接 し方,指導や説明,専門的知識・技術,受診者の生活への配慮の4つの要素を含む19項目の質問を作成し,4段 階の回答から1つ選ぶ方法とした.受診者229人,看護師5人の回答を分析した.受診者の回答は,19項目のう ち12項目で肯定的な回答が90%以上であった.インタビューでは,よい評価と改善を求める意見があった.看護 師の調査からは,診療がスムーズに流れること,受診者との関係を築くこと,受診者の状態を判断すること,生 活に合わせて受診者の利便性を配慮すること,受診者一人ひとりの状況に合わせることを意識して行っているこ とがわかった. 山間地域の診療所外来での看護には,受診者が安心できる態度と看護技術,緊急性の判断に加えて,受診者の 生活する地域特性の把握が求められる., The aim of this study is to examine the role of outpatient nurses who working in a rural health clinic based on perception and thoughts of outpatients and nurses.  Using questionnaires and interviews, data ware collected from outpatients of a rural health clinic in a mountainous area of Nagano Prefecture and nurses working in this clinic.Both the questionnaire for outpatients and that for nurses consisted of questions about their demographic attributes and a set of 19 questions on their recognition about outpatient nursing practices regarding nurses’ 1) attitudes to patients, 2) instruction and consultation, 3) knowledge and skills, and 4) caring for individual patients, where the subjects were asked to select one of four degrees of evaluation for each question.Additional data were collected through interviews about the outpatients’ impressions of the nurses and the nurses’ awareness of their own practices.We analyzed the responses of 229 outpatients and 5 nurses. More than 90% of outpatients subjects responded positively to 12 of 19 questions about the nurses’ practice.Outpatient interviewees not only positively evaluated the nurse’ practices, but also made suggestions for improvement of nursing practices.The nurses’ interview data indicated that nurses paid attention to 1) promote the smooth medical check-up, 2) establish good relationship with patients, 3) assess various conditions of outpatients, 4)support patients to live in harmony with their environment, and 5) care for individual condition of outpatients.  These findings show that it is necessary for nurses working in a rural health clinic to have clinical competence and understanding of community environment.}, pages = {89--100}, title = {山間地域の診療所における看護師の役割-診療所の外来受診者と看護師に対する調査から}, volume = {10}, year = {2008} }