@article{oai:ncn.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000045, author = {早出, 春美 and 前田, 樹海}, journal = {長野県看護大学紀要, Bulletin, Nagano College of Nursing}, month = {Mar}, note = {40015523442, 近年,新卒看護師の能力不足を指摘する記事を見かけることが多くなった.しかし,評価者側の基準が妥当なのかどうかという議論なくして,評価される側のみに焦点を当てて実践能力不足を論じる昨今の議論のあり方には疑問を感じざるを得ない.本研究の目的は,評価者側の要因として,わが国の看護教育における実習病院と就職病院との関係に焦点を当てて,その歴史的経緯と最近の傾向について文献調査をもとに明らかにすることである.調査の結果,とくに大学において,実習病院と就職病院が異なるケースが多くなる傾向が示された. これは,就職した病院で実習において培ったものがそのまま適用できないことを意味する.これが,新卒看護師が即戦力にならないという言説の本質を表す現象のひとつと考えられた.今後は,新卒看護師がどこへ就職しても実習病院で培った技術や物品等がある程度適用できるような病院間の標準化,一般化が求められるであろう., Recent articles have described new graduates as lacking in basic nursing skills. However, there are no agreed upon criteria in Japan for measuring such skills and perhaps evaluation is too focused on the graduates rather than on other factors. The purpose of this study was to identify the changing relationship between hospitals and schools of nursing and the effect of this on new graduates. Results indicated that the number of nurses who graduated from nursing schools attached to hospitals 12 years ago was much higher than at present. This means there are now fewer nurses who learned skills suitable for specific hospitals. Unfortunately, however, there may be many evaluators who think it natural that new graduates should have acquired skills in the same way that students in hospital based school did. Therefore, it remains possible that such evaluators misunderstand or underestimate the skills of new graduates. Improvement of standardization among hospitals in Japan may help to address this problem.}, pages = {45--54}, title = {新卒看護師の能力評価を考えるための新たな基盤に関する一考察}, volume = {9}, year = {2007} }