@article{oai:ncn.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000044, author = {駒井, 志野 and 内田, 雅代 and 竹内, 幸江 and 三澤, 史 and 平出, 礼子 and 青木, 真輝 and 柳澤, 節子 and 森, 哲夫}, journal = {長野県看護大学紀要, Bulletin, Nagano College of Nursing}, month = {Mar}, note = {40015523441, 小学5年生から高校生の糖尿病をもつ子どもが,療養行動をどう思っているのか,また,療養行動の場面における親子の関わりをそれぞれがどのように捉えているのかを明らかにすることを目的に,1型糖尿病をもつ子どもとその親21組を対象として質問紙調査を行った.子どもたちは,食事療法と血糖測定において,必要性を理解してはいるが面倒とも思っていることがわかった.また,食事場面,低血糖場面,高血糖場面での親子の関わりからは,親の意図・気持ちが子どもにうまく伝わっていないこと,さらに,高血糖場面での親の関わりを良く思っていない子どもが多いことがわかった., The purpose of this study is to examine feelings of children with Type1 Diabetes on their self-care behaviors and the relationship between children and their parents on the scene of dietary management, hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia. The number of subjects of the investigation was 21 parents and children. It was found that the children thought the practice was troublesome though they understood the necessity for dietary management and self-monitoring of blood glucose. We found that most of the children did not think their parents' attitudes or behaviors to be good when they were in a hyperglycemic condition. Also we found that the children did not fully comprehend their parents' feelings and there were gaps of understanding between the children and their parents.}, pages = {37--44}, title = {1型糖尿病をもつ子どもの療養行動と食事・低血糖・高血糖の場面における親子の関わり}, volume = {9}, year = {2007} }