@article{oai:ncn.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000339, author = {小口, 和弘 and 上條, 明生 and 舟波, 真一 and 山岸, 茂則}, journal = {長野県看護大学紀要, Bulletin Nagano College of Nursing}, month = {Mar}, note = {陳旧性の脳卒中後遺症において機能回復は困難であるとされている.特に脳卒中患者の歩行は安定した単脚支持を実現するために重心線が単脚支持側の足部の支持基底面内に完全に入るゆっくりとした歩行であることが多い.一方で健常者は単脚支持期に重心線が足部の支持基底面の中に入らない歩行であるが,脳卒中患者がこうした歩行を再獲得するためには何らかの慣性力を歩行の中で無意識的に生み出す能力を再獲得する必要がある. ヒトが自然と行う動作は1つ1つの動作を意識して行うのではなく無意識的に行われることが多い.今回,発症後約1年が経過しT字杖と金属支柱付き装具を使用しゆっくりとした歩行(0.58m/sec)の50歳代の男性に対し,週3回,7ヶ月間動作を意識させずに繰り返し運動を行うことで装具をGait solution に変更でき,杖なし歩行も自立し歩行速度(0.63m/sec)・安定性も向上したことを報告する.慢性期の脳卒中片麻痺であっても介入によって改善できる可能性が示唆される., It can be challenging for patients with chronic stroke to recover their abilities. In particular, patients with stroke walk slowly and the center of gravity line passes the supporting base while they are standing on one leg. In contrast, healthy people walk without the center of gravity line passing the supporting base. To reacquire their gait, patients with stroke have to regain the ability to create inertial force subconsciously. Most human activities are performed subconsciously. In this study, we trained a man with chronic stroke in his 50s who walked slowly, and with a T cane and orthosis with metal stanchions, to exercise subconsciously. He underwent the training program three times per week for seven months. After this training, he was able to walk quickly and safely without a T cane and his orthosis was changed to gait solution. In conclusion, the ability of patients with chronic stroke may be improved by training interventions like the one described above.}, pages = {31--37}, title = {陳旧性の片麻痺患者への介入により 準動歩行が獲得できた事例 ―自己組織化理論に基づくアプローチ}, volume = {24}, year = {2022} }