@article{oai:ncn.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000033, author = {御子柴, 裕子 and 安田, 貴恵子 and 嶋澤, 順子 and 坂本, ちより and 頭川, 典子}, journal = {長野県看護大学紀要, Bulletin,Nagano College of Nursing}, month = {Mar}, note = {40015216483, 平成12年9月に長野県A村で発生した水害時の保健活動の状況を明らかにし,活動に携わった保健師が果たした役割について考察した.  人口約700人の長野県A村の保健師と,A村を管轄するB保健所の保健師を対象に,面接により災害発生後の保健活動についての情報を収集し,保健師が実施したことや判断したことを経時的にまとめた.  保健師は,乳幼児や高齢者等の災害要支援者に対する優先的な援助を行うと共に,災害による健康や生活への影響を的確に捉え,長期にわたり援助を継続していた.また,過去に経験した災害援助活動を参考に,より効果的な活動を推進する役割を担いつつ,日頃の地区活動で培った視点や受持地区に対する責任感を持ちながら活動を展開していた.公衆衛生の専門機関である保健所の保健師は,小規模村の保健師に対して,関係各所との連絡調整を行いながら,専門的・広域的・技術的な立場から組織的な支援を行っていた., The purpose of this study is to clarify the health care activities carried out after the flood disaster, which occurred in A village, Nagano Prefecture in September 2000, and to examine the role of the public health nurse (PHN).  We interviewed a PHN of A village (population of about 700) in Nagano Prefecture, and a PHN of B public health center, which has a jurisdiction including A village, to collect the information on the health care activities after the flood disaster. We then arranged the actions of and the decisions made by the PHN in a time-dependent manner.  In their relief activities, the PHNs gave priority to the treatment of infants, toddlers, and the elderly. PHNs also accurately understood the extent of the disaster for residents , health and daily lives, and continued their assistance in the long-term. In addition, PHNs were active in drawing on experiences with previous disasters, and they carried out their work with a viewpoint based on their daily health care activities and their sense of responsibility for their district. Through communication and coordination of related organizations, the PHN of the public health center systematically supported the PHN of the small village on a number of levels: professional, wide-area, and technical.}, pages = {51--60}, title = {行政組織に所属する保健師が中山間地域で発生した水害時の活動において果たした役割}, volume = {8}, year = {2006} }