@article{oai:ncn.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000031, author = {中村, 惠 and 唐澤, 由美子 and 縄, 秀志 and 松下, まゆみ and 雨宮, 多喜子}, journal = {長野県看護大学紀要, Bulletin,Nagano College of Nursing}, month = {Mar}, note = {40015216481, 本研究は,外科外来の看護師が行う患者・家族への指導の実施状況と指導の実施に影響する看護師の看護活動に関する意識について検討することを目的としている.調査は自作の質問紙を用い,分析対象はA県内 の総合病院38施設76名の外科外来看護師とした.結果,外科外来の指導の環境としては,看護相談窓口,面談室,患者が学習するスペースや教材といった整備はあまりなされていなかった.看護師による患者・家族への指導では,指導の実施に対する意識は高かった.しかし,その対象は個々の看護師が必要と判断した者のみに実施されており,すべての対象に行っている看護師は少なかった.また,実施していない主な理由は「医師が行っている」であった.今後の課題として,外来看護師が行う指導のあり方を検討する必要性が示唆され,病院組織全体として外来看護師が果たす役割を理解することと,患者・家族が利用できるような指導の環境の整備が挙げられた., The aim of this study was to investigate perceptions of Registered Nurses who work in outpatient departments about their role as consultants for patients and families who are in transition from hospitalization to home care. The original questionnaire was used. The data collected and analyzed from 76 Registered Nurses who worked in surgical outpatient departments in 38 general hospitals throughout A prefecture. Survey respondents reported that they were highly motivated to provide consultations to patients. However, consultations were not provided for every patient, rather they were offered selectively according to the needs of the patient and the judgment of the nurse. The main reason reported for not offering consultations was that “physicians had offered consultations to the patient”. Respondents identified two significant issues regarding their consultative role: insufficient space for consultations and problems in availability of teaching materials to help patients and families with their health management.  This study suggested that the role of the Registered Nurse in outpatient departments requires further examination. It identified the need for improvement in the availability of space in outpatient departments which nurses, patients and families can freely use. The study also identified the need to further explore the consultative role of nurses who work in outpatient departments from the perspective of the hospital organization as a whole with the major focus on the needs of the patients and families.}, pages = {29--37}, title = {外科外来看護師の患者・家族に対する指導の実態調査}, volume = {8}, year = {2006} }