@article{oai:ncn.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000301, author = {近藤, 恵子 and 小林, たつ子}, journal = {長野県看護大学紀要, Bulltin Nagano College of Nursing}, month = {Mar}, note = {統合実習での複数患者受け持ちにおける学生の学びと困難より,今後の複数患者受け持ちに向けた 実習指導の課題を明らかにすることを目的とした.統合実習を行ったA大学69名の自記式質問紙調査と,そのうち同意の得られた5名のフォーカスグループインタビュー内容を分析した.複数患者受け持ち実習での学びは, ケアの優先順位を考えた行動が学べ,就職後の行動に役立つ実習と捉えていた.同時に患者理解やケアの難しさを感じ,相談の必要性を感じていた.実習での困難は,実習のイメージができなかったこと,複数患者を受け持つための実習環境が整っていなかったこと,主体的な行動ができなかったことであった.統合実習前の統合演習は有用的だったといえるが,実施時期は検討する必要がある.臨地との連携については,実習のねらいや展開について,臨床側の知恵を得ながら周到な準備が必要であった.教員は臨床現場の状況を踏まえつつ,共に実習環境の改善を考える体制作りと,学生に対しては主体的な学習姿勢をいかに涵養していくか,大学全体として積み重ねていく教育の検討が必要と示唆された., We have introduced a nursing practice in which students learn to simultaneously provide two patients with care. The aims of this study ware to clarify their learning and difficulty of the practice and to discuss our future teaching. We analyzed self-administered questionnaires to 69 students at College A and an interview of a focus group consisting of five students out of 69.At the practice, students were able to learn prioritized behaviors and found that the experience would be useful after employed. At the same time, they needed to ask teachers’ or nurses’ advice because they felt difficulties understanding patients and providing care. The problems were:1)both stuff nurses and students did not obtain a sharp image of the practice, 2) nurses were not well prepared to teach the students concerning the practice, and 3) the students could not take action by themselves. The training on campus before the practices in hospitals was useful but implementation timing should be more deliberated. Regarding collaboration with nurses, careful preparations are necessary for the aim of the practice and development while obtaining the wisdom of the clinical side. Teachers need to build a system to improve the practice environment together with the clinical situation. And the whole college should consider what we can do to enable students to learn actively in the comprehensive nursing practice.}, pages = {33--43}, title = {複数患者受け持ちに関する学生の学びと困難をふまえた 統合実習指導の課題}, volume = {19}, year = {2017} }