@article{oai:ncn.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000300, author = {竹内, 幸江 and 安田, 貴恵子 and YASUDA, Kieko and 有賀, 美恵子 and 酒井, 久美子}, journal = {長野県看護大学紀要, Bulltin Nagano College of Nursing}, month = {Mar}, note = {長野県看護大学看護学部卒業生817名を対象に,卒業生の動向を把握し,今後の卒業生支援に関する示唆を得ることを目的に質問紙調査を行った.回答数は305名(回収率37.3%)で,そのうち有効回答数は302名であった.89.4%が就業しており,看護師51.9%,助産師10.7%,保健師30.4%であった.卒後年数があがるにつれて保健師への職種変更が多くなっていた.転職・退職の経験者は56.6%であり,その理由として「結婚,出産」が最も多かった.進学した者は11.6%,資格取得者は22.5%であり,現在,進学意思のある者は7.6%,資格取得意思のある者は11.9%であった.キャリアアップ時に大学に望むことで多かった意見には「進学や資格取得の相談窓口」「興味ある講義の受講」「研究指導」「図書館の利用配慮」などがあった.卒業生に対する卒後支援として,キャリア形成を支援する窓口の設置や卒業生ネットワークの構築を視野に入れた情報交換などの必要性が示唆された, This study was designed to elucidate the career progress of graduates, and to obtain insights related to future support for graduates. A questionnaire was distributed 817 graduates of Nagano College of Nursing Faculty of Nursing. The response rate was 37.3% (n=305), and among them effective responses were 302. Among these responses, 89.4% were employed, with 51.9% working as nurses, 10.7% working as midwives, 30.4% working as public health nurses. As the number of years after graduation is longer, it has become many job changes to the public health nurse. Experience of retirement and job change is 56.6%, marriage and giving birth were the main reason for the retirement and job change. Person who went on to graduate school was 11.6%, and the person who took the qualification was 22.5%. When career, wishing to college were “Consultation for career up”, “Auditing an interesting lecture” and “Favor the use of the library”. Based on these results, it suggested to place a place to consult in the college and to exchange information putting to make a network for graduates in the field of view.}, pages = {23--32}, title = {長野県看護大学看護学部卒業生の動向調査ー1 期生(1998 年度卒業)から16 期生(2013 年度卒業)までの調査}, volume = {19}, year = {2017}, yomi = {ヤスダ, キエコ} }