@article{oai:ncn.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000270, author = {浦野, 理香 and 渡辺, みどり and 千葉, 真弓 and 曽根, 千賀子 and 有賀, 智也 and 伊藤, 佑季 and 牛山, 陽介 and 井口, 志保}, journal = {長野県看護大学紀要, Bulletin,Nagano College of Nursing}, month = {Mar}, note = {せん妄に対して実施しているケアの実施頻度を,看護専門職自律性得点の高い群と低い群とで比較検討することを目的とした。内科系,外科系,混合病棟に勤務する看護師を対象に自記式質問紙法調査を行い,102名の回答を得た。せん妄ケアの実施頻度調査には「実施しているせん妄ケア(18項目)」を用い,看護専門職的自律性の測定には「看護婦の自律性測定尺度」を用いた。「看護婦の自律性測定尺度」47項目の合計得点の平均値以上の者を「高群」,平均値未満の者を「低群」と定義し,2群間で比較した結果,看護専門職的自律性の高群は,せん妄ケア18項目中,10項目において低群よりも有意に実施頻度が高く,身体的苦痛の除去,不動化回避,身体的内部環境の調整の援助などのせん妄誘発因子低減の援助を多く行っていた。, This study aims to investigate the frequencies of performing delirium care by comparing groups with higher and lower scores on the scales for professional autonomy in nursing. A self-administered questionnaire survey with nurses at two hospitals in A prefecture in Japan was conducted, and the 102 responses received were analyzed. The “Employed delirium care (18 items)” scale was used for the investigation of the delirium care frequencies, and the “scales for professional autonomy in nursing” was used for evaluating nursing professional autonomy. We defined nurses with above average score totals of the 47 items in the “Autonomy Scale of Nurses” as the “Higher Group”, and the rest as the “Lower Group”. The statistical analysis showed significant differences in 10 out of 18 employed delirium care categories, and the frequency of delirium care provided by the Higher Group was higher than that of Lower Group.}, pages = {41--52}, title = {看護専門職的自律性によるせん妄ケア実施頻度の比較}, volume = {18}, year = {2016} }