@article{oai:ncn.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000027, author = {田中, 建彦}, journal = {長野県看護大学紀要, Bulletin,Nagano College of Nursing}, month = {Mar}, note = {40007066451, 西洋における大学は11世紀から12世紀にかけてイタリアのボローニャとフランスのパリに生まれた. “University” も “College” も語源的には組合を意味する言葉であり,学問を目指してある都市に集まっ た学生または教師集団の自治組織(ギルド)として誕生したもので,大学自治の問題はそのはじめから大学組織 の本質的なものであった.ボローニャ大学は学生のギルド,パリ大学は教師のギルドであった.当時の大学は土地も建物ももたない人々の集団組織であったので,移動が自由であった.都市や市民が大学の自治を侵すことがあると,大学は学問の自由を求めて,他の都市へ移動していった.こうしてオックスフォード大学やケンブリッ ジ大学などが次々と生まれていった.今,日本では政府の主導で大学改革が行われている.大学の起源にさかのぼって,今一度,大学のあるべき姿を考察してみるよい機会であるかもしれない., The prototypes of European universities were the University of Bologna (founded in 11th century) and the University of Paris (founded in 12th century). Both Latin words " Universitas" and "Collegium" on which English words, "university" and "college" are based respectively, meant "community". The first universities in Europe started as guilds of students or teachers (universitas magistrorum et scholarum). Self-government system of universities, therefore, was the essential factor from the very origin. Since Universitas or Collegium or, in other words, Studium Generale was the body of people but had no campus or buildings, it was easy to move out of a city in protest, when the city or its citizens violated the freedom and self-government system of a university. For instance, according to Rashdall's The Universities of Europe in the Middle Ages (1895), teachers and students moved from Paris to Oxford, when the conflict between the town (citizens) and the gown (students) heated up and finally several students were killed. Although they returned to Paris after the reconciliation, several scholars remained at Oxford and continued their lectures. Rashdall suggests that Oxford University was born as its result. Now, in Japan, national universities have been facing "reformations" under the leadership of the Ministry of Education. Self-government, Autonomy, and Independence of a university on which academic freedom and development of scholarship have been based for centuries will be narrowed. It may be the time we should reconsider of ideas of scholarship and a university.}, pages = {93--100}, title = {大学の起源と学問の自由}, volume = {7}, year = {2005} }