@article{oai:ncn.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000269, author = {下村, 聡子 and 安田, 貴恵子 and YASUDA, Kieko and 御子柴, 裕子 and 村井, ふみ and 酒井, 久美子 and 柄澤, 邦江 and 中林, 明子}, journal = {長野県看護大学紀要, Bulletin Nagano College of Nursing}, month = {Mar}, note = {A市の「健康づくり家庭訪問事業」(以下,当該事業)に従事した保健師が用いた技術と工夫,当該事業で得た情報をその後の地区活動に活かしたことを調べて,家庭訪問の対応技術と工夫の特徴,および家庭訪問の意義を明らかにすることを目的とした。当該事業に従事した保健師28名に質問紙調査を行い,研究協力が得られた保健師25名の回答を分析した。保健師は,対象者の生活時間に配慮しながら接近し,対象者の思いや考えを察しながら話を聴いており,住民に家庭訪問を受け入れてもらうための工夫を凝らし,対象者との関係を築きながら必要なことを話してもらうための対応技術を駆使していた。保健師は,援助を必要とする住民を新たに発見し,継続支援を行うこと,住民の健康生活の実態を集約して住民の保健行動の啓発に活用すること,住民との人間関係を培うことをしていた。保健師が家庭訪問を重ねたことは,地域に潜在していた要支援者の発見と対応,住民の「生の声」に基づく地区活動の展開,地域住民との人脈づくり,保健師の地区活動への意欲の高まりという意義があると確認された。, In this study, we investigated public health nurses (PHNs) working at a local health center who participated in the project of “home health nursing to promote residents’ health.” The purpose was 1) to evaluate the skills and ideas of PHNs, 2) to examine the utilization of information obtained through the project for their subsequent community-based public health nursing activities, and 3) to identify the significance of home health nursing and skills of PHNs by analyzing 1) and 2). We conducted a questionnaire survey among 28 PHNs who participated in the project and analyzed 25 of their responses. PHNs approached residents while considering individual lifestyles and carefully listened to them while understanding each resident’s feeling and thinking. PHNs considered methods for residents to accept home health nursing and utilized their skills to acquire necessary information from residents while establishing favorable relationships with them. PHNs had newly identified residents requiring support and continued to support them even after the project. PHNs gathered considerable information concerning the residents’ health and educated the residents regarding health behavior on the basis of their relevant health situation. The significance of home health nursing are as follows: identifying residents who require support and continuously supporting them, developing community-based public health nursing activities based on residents’ health situation, expanding a favorable community network, and enhancing PHNs’ motivation for community-based public health nursing activities.}, pages = {27--40}, title = {保健師が行う家庭訪問の意義と技術―A 市「健康づくり家庭訪問事業」に従事した 保健師の活動を通して―}, volume = {18}, year = {2016}, yomi = {シモムラ, ソウコ and ヤスダ, キエコ and ミコシバ, ユウコ and サカイ, クミコ and からさわ, くにえ and ナカバヤシ, アキコ} }