@article{oai:ncn.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000266, author = {村井, ふみ and 安田, 貴恵子 and YASUDA, Kieko}, journal = {長野県看護大学紀要, Bulletin Nagano College of Nursing}, month = {Mar}, note = {感染症集団発生に対する保健所保健師の支援経験,高齢者福祉施設への支援の現状を明らかにし,課題を検討するため,A県内の全11保健所と69名の保健師に質問紙調査を実施した。社会福祉施設等における感染症集団発生は9所で2年間に105件あり,高齢者福祉施設は入所・入居施設の発生件数のうち78.7%を占めた.高齢者福祉施設での感染症集団発生に対する支援経験のある保健師は66.7%であった。保健師が支援時に施設から受けた相談の内容には,感染拡大防止の基本的な対策方法や,高齢者の特性に応じた対策方法,情報管理の方法,終息時の対応やその後の対策強化,施設の責任と保健所の役割等があった。支援時に困難だったことや配慮が必要だったことには,高齢者の特性による感染予防策の困難さや,施設職員の感染症に対する理解不足,管理部門との調整,保健所の支援に対する施設の理解の得にくさ等があった。施設職員への感染症の基礎知識や保健所の役割機能に関する啓発の充実,感染症集団発生に対する支援経験の保健師間での共有・検討による支援能力の向上の必要性が示唆された。, This study aims to identify the actual support provided by the public health center nurses (PHNs) in coping with and controlling infectious disease outbreaks at facilities for the elderly. Self-reported questionnaires were sent to 11 health centers in A prefecture and 69 PHNs within those centers. Over a two years period, there were 105 reported cases of infectious disease outbreaks at social welfare facilities in nine health centers. 78.7% of infectious disease outbreaks in residential facilities occurred at facilities for the elderly. 66.7% of PHNs reported that they had ever provided support for infectious disease outbreaks at facility for the elderly. PHNs were consulted regarding the following topics: basic measures to control infectious disease outbreaks, measures tailored to the characteristics of the elderly, measures of information management, reconsideration of current measures implemented by the facility, responsibility of the facility and function of the health center, and others. Difficulties in providing support included the following topics: difficulty of measures due to the characteristics of the elderly, insufficient understanding of the facility workers regarding infectious diseases, adjustment with the management section, difficulty in obtaining the understanding required to support of the health center. The following two requirements were suggested for PHNs: (1) The enhancement of education for facility workers in basic knowledge of infectious diseases and in the functions of the health center. (2) Reconsideration of the actual support by PHNs for improvement of their capabilities in discussing and sharing their knowledge.}, pages = {1--14}, title = {A 県における感染症集団発生と保健所保健師による支援経験の現状-高齢者福祉施設への支援の現状と困難さに着目して-}, volume = {18}, year = {2016}, yomi = {ヤスダ, キエコ} }