@article{oai:ncn.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000235, author = {細田, 江美 and 渡辺, みどり and 千葉, 真弓 and 曽根, 千賀子 and 松澤, 有夏 and 有賀, 智也 and 北山, 秋雄}, journal = {長野県看護大学紀要, Bulletin Nagano College of Nursing}, month = {Mar}, note = {長野県の認知症グループホームで働くケア責任者の“なじみの場づくり"に関する認識の程度と実践頻度を明らかにするため,筆者らの先行研究結果から得られた“なじみの場づくり"の48項目を用いて質問紙調査を行なった。長野県内186施設のケア責任者を対象に実施し53(28.5%)人からの回答を分析した結果:以下のことが明らかとなった。 48項目の中で,“なじみの場づくり"のために強く認識し,実践頻度が高かったケアは,「入所者の心身の状態を把握し,入所者の意欲を引き出しながら実際の生活行動を支える」であった.逆に,強く認識せず,実践頻度も低かったケアは,「生活行動を通じ入所者の持つ能力をさらに伸ばすリハビリテーション的な関わり」や,「入所者同士における関係性の調整」であった。また,認識の強さよりも実践頻度が低くその差が大きかったケアは,「入所者個々の不安の状態を把握し,その人に合った方法で生活の幅が拡がるよう時間をかけて関わる」であつた。逆に,認識の強さよりも実践頻度が高くその差が大きかったケアは,「予測される危険や悪影響を未然に防ぎ,入所者同士の関係を良好に保つ」であった。, The objective of this study is to identify details of the care managers' awareness and practice of nursing care provided in group homes for demented elderly in Nagano Prefecture, related to providing comfortable environ ment for residents. Based on the findings of a previous study by the authors, we conducted a 48 item questionnaire survey of matters concerned with how to provide comfortable environment for residents We contacted 186 care managers at facilities in Nagano Prefecture and received 53 responses (28.5%). The analysis yielded the following findings: Care items related to support of living activities of residents through an understanding the mental and physical states of residents and by providing incentives to live, showed both the awareness and practice rates to be high. However, for care items related to rehabilitative efforts to improve the remaining physical strength through everyday life activities and items related to coordinate the relationships among residents, both the awareness and practice rates were low. For care items related to the longer term to make changes in life style in manners suitable for individual residents by understanding their anxieties, the practice rate was lower than the rate of awareness of such items, while the practice rate was higher than the awareness in care items related to prevent foreseeable risks and negative effects on the residents, and to maintain good relationships}, pages = {85--100}, title = {認知症グループホームにおける“なじみの場づくり"に関する認識と実践  - 長野県のグループホームのケア責任者への調査から -}, volume = {17}, year = {2015} }