@article{oai:ncn.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000022, author = {田代, 麻里江 and 畔柳, 良江}, journal = {長野県看護大学紀要, Bulletin,Nagano College of Nursing}, month = {Mar}, note = {40007066446, 2003年10~12月にかけて,長野県下7ヶ所で,県の委託事業として長野県外国人検診が実施された.受診者総数は366名で,受診者の主な出身国は,ブラジル,タイ,スリランカ,中国,フィリピン等であった.受診者の3割強が要精検と診断されたが,結核の疑いがある者はなく,可能性のある疾患として,高脂血症, 高血圧,肝機能障害,糖尿病などが指摘された.受診者の生活習慣を見ると,これら生活習慣病に罹患するリス ク要因が多々認められた.また,出身国毎に生活習慣の特徴があることが指摘され,受診者の文化背景を重視した保健指導の必要性が示唆された.本検診の主な目的は疾病の早期発見であり,本検診の提供は市町村や事業所の外国人への検診体制が整うまでの暫定的なものとしたい.しかし,現時点での本検診の果たす役割は大きく, 今後も外国人を対象とした保健サービスの充実のために,地域の医療関係機関との連携を強化していく必要がある., The Medical check-up for Foreigners in Nagano took place from October to December in 2003 as a commissioned project of Nagano Prefecture. Totally 366 foreigners attended the medical check-up. The countries of attendants' origin were Brazil, Thai, Sri Lanka, China, Philippines etc. Approximately 30% of attendants were diagnosed as those who required medical follow-up: there was no patient with possible tuberculosis but with hyperlipemia, hypertention, liver dysfunction, diabetes mellitus etc. The attendants were found to have multi risk factors to lifestyle-related diseases. Some culturally unique lifestyles were also evident according to countries, which nurses would like to be considerable when providing health education. The medical check-up for foreigners are thought to be temporary until culturally sensitive public health services are established locally. However, it plays significant roles in communities, including enhancing community health services for foreigners and promoting mutual understanding between foreigners and local residents.}, pages = {41--50}, title = {2003年度長野県外国人健診受診者の健康状態と生活習慣}, volume = {7}, year = {2005} }