@article{oai:ncn.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000170, author = {井村, 俊義}, journal = {長野県看護大学紀要, Bulletin Nagano College of Nursing}, month = {Mar}, note = {近代医学の普及とともに伝統的な治療方法が消滅していった過程は,各民族の伝統的世界観から西欧の近代的世界観へのパラダイム転換でもあり,治療法だけでなく病の現れ方も変化したはずである.そこで, 前近代から近代への移行期における精神の病の現れ方と世界観との関係を,民俗学的記録および文学作品に基づいて検討した,使用したのは,柳田国男の「遠野物語」,芥川龍之介の「河童」,メキシコの伝統医術クランデリスモに関するプラセンシアの「紙の民」である.これらの記述を物語や言葉の視点から検討し,精神の病の現れ方は本人と周囲の人びとが共有する世界観と密接に関わっており,近代医学のパラダイムにとらわれない相対的視点から病の語りをとらえることが重要であることを論じた., Based on literary works and folkloric records, this essay examines the uneasy relationship between mental disorders and worldview during the pre-modern to modern transition. It is commonly believed that modern medicine is more effective for us. But, especially for mental health problems, ritual and storytelling allow patients to recognize where narrative and health intersect, hence enable them to cultivate the harmonies that bring people together. This essay focuses on stories told by a novelist and a folklorist, who relate the pre-modern people's dreams and anxiety that would be regarded "mental disorder" by modern medicine. By juxtaposing Ryunosuke Akutagawa's Kappa and Kunio Yanagita's Tohno-monogatari, I hope to render a more complete portrait of the relationships among the historical, psychological, and ethical imaginations. As much spiritual as it is historical, psychological, and ethical, the essay is choreographed to produce a textual performance that introduces readers to the narrative process of making life whole. In order to show how pre-modern people perform, I also focus on 'curanderismo' mainly performed by Mexican and Mexican Americans. This is the folk process of healing similar to much of contemporary alternative medicine in its holistic approach, in that there is no recognition of a separation between the mind and the body, as there is in the medicine and psychology of the modern West. This disparity between modern and pre-modern medicine draws attention to a blind spot in modern people perspective. I argue that each field of study needs to engage more readily in cross-border dialogue.}, pages = {35--43}, title = {前近代から近代への移行期における精神の病とナラティヴ-文学と民俗学の視点から-}, volume = {16}, year = {2014} }