@article{oai:ncn.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000110, author = {小西, 恵美子 and 真弓, 尚也 and 中嶋, 尚子 and 安田, 貴恵子 and 跡上, 富美 and 縄, 秀志 and 奥野, 茂代 and 広瀬, 昭夫 and 原, 光世}, journal = {長野県看護大学紀要, Bulletin,Nagano College of Nursing}, month = {}, note = {110004687766, われわれは,女性の骨粗鬆症予防・ヘルスプロモーションを目的とする研究プロジェクトを行っている.疾病予防・ヘルスプロモーションの第1段階は,問題の所在や意義を認識することである.本報はこのプロ ジェクト第1段階として行ったものである.長野県南部の伊那谷地域の閉経後女性146名を対象に,骨密度と背曲がり度(DOW)を含む身体測定,および,更年期前,中,および閉経期の多面的ライフスタイルアセスメントを行った.結果,82.2%がWHO規準による骨粗鬆症であった.しかし,自分が骨粗鬆症と認識している人は22%にすぎなかった.残り17.8%のうち,半数以上は骨量減少症であった.統計的検定から,高齢,背曲がり度大, 月経開始年齢遅い,出産回数多い,および,母乳栄養の人は骨粗鬆症が有意に多かった.更年期の症状を北米女性のものと比較すると,腰背部痛は対象者に特徴的な症状であった.成人期から閉経期にかけ,高カルシウム食品である牛乳、チーズの摂取率は低いが、カルシウムの比較的多い他の食物はよく食べられていた。ただし、終戦期に食料不足を経験した人が多かった。運動は、農作業や体を使う仕事が主なものであったが、どちらも腰背部に緊張をかけ、腰背部痛と背中の変形にある程度寄与した可能性がある., This study involved the overall lifestyle assessment of 146 post-menopausal women living in the Ina Valley of Nagano prefecture. Subjects underwent a series of anthropometric measurements including radial bone density, height, weight, body mass index and degree of spinal curvature (DOW). A survey was administered to the subjects to collect pre, peri and post-menopausal information on women’s health history, a women-specific symptom experience, nutritional habits, physical exercise patterns, use of nicotine, caffeine and various other drugs and present quality of life scores as measured by a quality of life measurement tool developed by the International Osteoporosis Foundation. 82.2% of the sample were considered to have osteoporosis as defined by the WHO standards but only 22% were aware of their diagnosis. Of the remaining 17.8%, over half were osteopenic. Pearson Chi Square testing resulted in significant positive correlations between presence of osteoporosis and age, spinal curvature, late onset of menses, higher birth frequencies and breast-feeding. The peri-menopausal symptom experiences were consistent with that of North American counterparts except for a significant level of backache reported in this Japanese sample. Milk and cheese with the highest calcium levels were not identified as a food consumed regularly by these women but other foods with medium to high levels of calcium were consumed somewhat consistently throughout their lives except for directly after World War 2. Reported physical exercise consisted of working in the fields and manual labour both of which put significant strain on the back and may have contributed, to some degree to, to the reported backache and high incidence of spinal curvature.}, pages = {27--34}, title = {長野県女性の骨粗しょう症予防とヘルスプロモーションに関する研究 : 1.健康状況とライフスタイル}, volume = {6}, year = {2004} }