@article{oai:ncn.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000109, author = {花村, 由紀 and 縄, 秀志 and 野坂, 俊弥 and 池内, 美希代}, journal = {長野県看護大学紀要, Bulletin,Nagano College of Nursing}, month = {}, note = {110004687765, 腹部正中創の創部張力と離床動作との関係を明らかにし,創部の負担が少ない離床方法を検討する事を目的とし,動作画像及び創部張力の分析を行った.その結果,以下の事が明らかになった.  創部は「上体を起こし座位から手をついて向きを変え端座位になる」動作で縦に伸長し,「背筋を伸ばしたまま上体を起こす」「片脚ずつ下ろして端座位になる」「柵や紐を使用する場合に完全に側臥位になってから上体を起こす」動作で横に伸長していた.縦,横が伸長しない動作は「手をつかず座位から端座位になる,背筋を丸めた まま上体を起こす」「脚を上げたまま腰を回転させ端座位になる」「側臥位にならずにやや上向きのまま上体を起こす」であった.以上より創部の伸長を小さくする動作は「常に背中を丸めて動く」「紐や柵を使用する場合は完 全に側臥位にならずにやや上向きのまま上体を起こす」「脚を上げたまま上体を起こし,腰を回転させ端座位になる」であった., The purpose of this study is to clarify the relationship between the tension on the midline wound of the upper abdomen and movement of three types of elevation from supine position to sitting position.  Each of the four subjects attempted 3 types of movement repeated 5 times for a total of 4 × 15 = 60 movements at one session. On each movement, tension of the wound and VTR measurements were recorded. The movements and the tensions of the wound were compared and the following differences of the tension accompanying each motion were extracted. 1 Longitudinal stretches of the midline abdominal wound occurred when one sat up from the supine position, and turned to one side by putting hands on the bed to sit at the bedside. 2 Horizontal stretches of the wound occurred when one sat up from the supine position, oneユs back being straight, and turned to one side by lowering legs, one by one, to sit at the bedside. 3 No stretches occurred when one elevated one’s upper body from the halfway position between supine and lateral with one’s back hunched but without putting hands on the bed, and turned on hips with both legs lifted off the bed, to sit at the bedside. This study suggests a postoperative patient can reduce the burden on the midline abdominal wound by the following three movements: 1 Movement with one’s back hunched. 2 Elevation from a halfway position between supine and lateral, in the case of using a side rail or a rope for support. 3 Turning on one’s hips with both legs bent at the knees, on to the abdomen.}, pages = {19--25}, title = {離床動作における腹部正中創の創部張力と創部への負担の少ない動作の検討}, volume = {6}, year = {2004} }