@article{oai:ncn.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000104, author = {扇, 千晶 and 内田, 雅代 and 寺島, 憲治 and 平出, 礼子 and 竹内, 幸江 and 栗林, 浩子}, journal = {長野県看護大学紀要, Bulletin,Nagano College of Nursing}, month = {Mar}, note = {110004687752, 本研究は,アトピー性皮膚炎の子どもをもつ親の会に対する会員の認識および医療従事者・学校関係 者への要望を明らかにすることを目的として,K市とその近郊にある3つの親の会の代表者および会員に質問紙 調査を行った。 その結果,これらの会は1~2ヶ月に1回の割合で定例会をもち,主たる活動内容は情報交換と交流であった. 会員は,情報交換と仲間作りを目的に入会し,親の会を実践的な知識や情報を共有する場と捉えていた.また会 員の多くは,会の活動を通じて自分がサポートされるだけではなく他の人をサポートしたいという思いを持つよ うになっていた. 会員は,医師・看護婦などの医療従事者に対して,治療に関する説明や知識の提供とともに,民間療法や疾患 や治療に対する母親の思いを理解することを求めていた.また,会員は保育園・学校から疾患に関する理解が得 られるための医療従事者の働きかけを求めており,子どもと家族を取り巻く多職種の連携の必要性が示唆された., The purpose of this study was to clarify the group members’ recognition for groups of parents of children with atopic dermatitis and needs for health professional. Questionnaire were mailed to members who belonged to one of the three groups of parents in K city and the suburbs. Regular meetings of these groups were held every one or two months. Members got together for the purpose of providing a forum whereby parents could exchange information, share practical knowledge and make friends with people who faced similar problems. Participating in these groups, members found that they were able to provide support to each other, by necessity, through the activities in the groups. They wanted health professionals, doctors, nurses, and so on to attend on patients’ treatments flexibly so that patients could choose and participate in their own medical treatments. They also wanted health professionals to enlighten kindergarten teachers and school teachers about disease. So, we consider that closer connections of multi-professionals around children and their family are needed.}, pages = {73--83}, title = {アトピー性皮膚炎の子どもをもつ親の会に対する会員の認識およびニーズに関する検討}, volume = {4}, year = {2002} }