@article{oai:ncn.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000100, author = {江藤, 裕之 and 岸, 利江子 and 岩崎, 朗子 and 坂本, ちより and 頭川, 典子 and 青木, 三恵子 and 久保田, 智恵 and 杉浦, 絹子 and 八尋, 道子}, journal = {長野県看護大学紀要, Bulletin,Nagano College of Nursing}, month = {Mar}, note = {110004687748, 医療職者間の専門用語や隠語には外国語からの借用語,造語が多いことはよく知られる.特に,ドイ ツ語起源の隠語が使われることが多く,会話内容の秘密保持という点に一役買っている.しかし,頻繁に使われる隠語であっても,中には借用した語の原形をとどめていないものも多く,また,その起源がドイツ語であるとの認識がなされていない語も多く存在する.   本稿では,日本における医療職者間で使われるドイツ語隠語研究の第一段階として,いくつかの隠語を取り上 げ,それがどのような起源を持ち,またいかなる形で今日の日本の病院内で使われているのかを概観し,医療職者間ドイツ語隠語の特徴を造語法という点からまとめてみた.情報開示が問題になる今日の医療・看護の現場で, 第三者には理解不能な語がどのような形で扱われ,また今後どのように扱われるべきなのか.このような問題意識を踏まえ,今後の研究の出発点としたい., It is well known that many kinds of loanwords from various foreign languages are used as medical terms and jargons in Japanese medical institutions. In fact, many of the medical personnel so often use such technical terms and jargons particularly borrowed from the German language, which had had a great influence on Japanese academics since Japan opened her door to the world in the 1860s.  Those jargons are sometimes arbitrarily deformed in order to apply them to the Japanese phonological system, and, as a consequence, their original form, i.e., their etymology, cannot be recognized even by those who use such words everyday. By means of putting such‘inconceivable’ jargons in use, then, the medical personnel have succeeded in keeping patients and their family members away from the confidential conversations in hospitals.   The present study scrutinizes some of the best-known and most-frequently-used medical jargons in Japanese hospitals borrowed or coined from German words focusing on their etymology, their usage and their word-formation. This paper is an introductory study of this kind, and we also aim at further researches as follows: 1) to make a complete list of in-hospital jargons in Japan, 2) to research the familiarity and frequency of those jargons and their etymological knowledge through questionnaires, and 3 )to analyze the data, i.e., to compare of the data between institutions and between wards in a particular hospital.}, pages = {31--39}, title = {医療者間で使われるドイツ語隠語の造語法に関する考察}, volume = {4}, year = {2002} }